Unlike the smaller, domestic kind of generator that you might keep in your garage, there’s no “one size fits all solution” for industrial standby generators. This gives buyers, and the contractors and engineers they’ll deal with, a range of challenges and considerations that need to be addressed. One of the big ones is placement. Here are a few location considerations for installing your industrial standby generator.
Space – Generators are huge, so choosing a place where it isn’t going to eat up too much useful space for workers and visitors is absolutely essential.
Airflow – If you fail to prevent the generator from overheating, it can cause serious damage to the machinery, rendering the whole thing a wasted investment. You need to allow enough airflow around the generator, and the method of installation needs to meet all the relevant NEC requirements.
Fueling – In most cases, industrial generators are fueled by large outdoor sub tanks, linked up to smaller, indoor tanks. If there’s too much linkage and collection between the two tanks, it can multiply the potential points for failure and costly damage.
Noise and Vibration – Industrial generator engines are exceedingly loud, and the heavy vibrations they create can travel through walls and floors, causing a nuisance for the people in the building. In a business premises, this can sap productivity. Soundproofing, vibration isolators, and other measures should be considered to prevent too much inconvenience.
Security – Though generators are not usually the target for sabotage, it’s still a very expensive asset, and should be installed somewhere that can be secured from unauthorized personnel.
Weather Patterns and Clearance – When installing a generator outdoors, you need to think about where debris usually accumulates, and place the generator as far away from it as possible. Providing enough clearance for these generators is also very important.
The Risk of Flooding – Eastern coastal areas have experienced huge amounts of flooding in recent years compared to past records. This has led to good engineers requiring industrial generators to be installed on raised platforms. Having said that, you also need to make sure that utility and power distribution infrastructure are placed well above the flood line.
Noise Pollution – Just as you have to stop an indoor generator from bothering the people using the building, you have to make sure that outdoor ones aren’t causing a nuisance to the surrounding properties. You’ll need to make sure any generator you want to install is the required distance away from surrounding property lines. In some cases, this might call for sound isolating enclosures.
Access – Once again, you need to protect this valuable asset as much as possible, and make sure that only authorized personnel can access it. However, you also need to take steps to ensure that any required service technicians or engineers can access it easily. Getting this balance right can be tricky for some properties, but isn’t something you can afford to brush off!
Contact APS to Get the Job Done Right!
There are a lot of considerations when installing an industrial standby generator, and it can understandably get overwhelming. Luckily, the experts at Assurance Power Systems are here to help you with all your Florida industrial standby generator needs. Call us today at 561-866-0470 or use our convenient online form to get your FREE QUOTE today!