With a record number of stronger storms across the United States, a power outage can have a costly impact. Power outages can also happen due to equipment failure, from a power pole being hit to an animal getting caught on the power line.
A simple solution is purchasing a generator for your home or business. However, many brush off backup power as a luxurious expense. While a generator’s cost can be intimidating, many people may not consider how a power outage will impact your wallet. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, power outages cost United States households $150 billion annually.
In the long run, generator costs will seem small compared to the impact a storm can have on your home or business. Reach out to Assurance Power Systems at (561) 866-0470 for a quote on generator costs and local installation.
If you’re still not sure the cost of a generator is worth it, consider how the loss of power can affect your home and budget in the following ways:
Property Damage
It’s easy to forget that basic functions in our homes are powered by electricity. Such functions include the furnace that heats the house. If the power goes out in the winter, the likelihood of frozen and burst pipes rises, which could come with a $10,000-plus repair bill. With this in mind, backup generator costs are far less than dealing with flooding, replacements, and water damages.
If you depend on well water or a pump to supply your home, losing power can cut off access to the water you need. Can you afford to have your water supply disrupted for hours or days? That includes the water you shower with, water to flush your toilet, and the water you use to cook. Paying the cost of a generator means ensuring you always have water in an emergency.
Food Loss
Consider all the frozen and fresh food sitting in your refrigerator. Just a few hours without electricity can spoil dairy, frozen meat, vegetables and leftovers, as your fridge turns into a bacterial playground. Additionally, your stove, oven, and microwave often rely on electricity to cook your food. Replacing that amount of food would cost hundreds of dollars, along with shopping time. Such food waste can be avoided with the ease of small maintenance costs for generators.
Data Loss
Today our homes and businesses are more wired than ever. A power surge from a brown out can do damage to sensitive technology such as your data backups, internet routers, and charging batteries. A standby generator can provide a safety buffer from power surges and their costs. Generators today ensure a safe amount of electricity is fed into the building, helping to combat power surges.
Safety and Peace of Mind
If you suddenly find yourself in a blackout, what will you do next? The costs of a generator feel insignificant to the peace of mind they can provide in an unexpected situation. Many without power often head to hotels, or homes of family members or friends, further disrupting life until things can be fixed. A blown transformer can bring businesses to a halt, causing a loss in productivity, as well as revenue and employees costs. Generators, even small portable ones, should be part of your emergency preparedness plans. From opening a garage door to making sure your cellphone is powered, a generator ensures you can reliably reach for the help you need.
Don’t Get Stuck in the Dark
Generator costs can pay for themselves over time if you are especially vulnerable to power outages. A generator can help prevent the costs and damages from losing electricity, while providing a sense of security at home. You won’t have to wait for a storm to pass and the power crews to make repairs to ensure you’ll have reliable power.
For residents in South Florida, our experts at Assurance Power Systems are here to help make sure you are ready for everything. Call us at (561) 944-8589 or contact us online to find out more about backup generator systems for your home or business.